Initial Acupuncture
Detailed intake (filling out health form and interview) followed by an customized acupuncture treatment. (90min) $85
Initial Acupuncture with Gua Sha
Detailed intake followed by a Gua Sha treatment and an acupuncture treatment. (105min depending on area being scraped and on underlying conditions) $90
Initial Acupuncture with Cupping
Detailed intake followed by a Cupping treatment and an acupuncture treatment. (2hr depending on area being cupped and on underlying conditions) $95
Subsequent Acupuncture with Gua Sha
Follow up interview , Gua Sha treatment and acupuncture. (80min) $75
Subsequent Acupuncture with Cupping
Follow up interview, short massage, Cupping and acupuncture treatment. (80min) $80
Initial Cupping/Gua Sha treatment
Intake, short massage to warm up area follow by Cupping and/or Gua Sha treatment. (45min) $50
Subsequent Cupping/Gua Sha
Follow up interview, short massage followed by Cupping and/or Gua Sha treatment (80min) $35
Japanese relaxation technique to balance energy centers and meridians. (1hr) $60