Acupuncture & Massage for Fertility, Pregnancy and Early Motherhood

Womb Healing Acupuncture Session
This treatment package includes a 15 min relaxing Acupressure Womb Massage, with a healing oil blend, followed by an Acupuncture treatment.
Initial (1hr 45min) $120
Subsequent (90min) $100

Fertility Healing Acupuncture Session
This treatment package includes a 30 min relaxing Acupressure massage (womb and feet), with warm castor oil followed by an Acupuncture treatment
Initial Treatment (2hr) $140
Subsequent (90min) $125

Womb/Fertility Massage
Womb or fertility acupressure massage is non-invasive techniques that combines acupressure and different gentle massage techniques to increase blood and lymphatic flow to the abdomen and pelvic organs.
30min $55
45min $70

Initial Acupuncture
Detailed intake (filling out health form and interview) followed by an customized acupuncture treatment. (90min) $95